When we found out our daughter has cerebral palsy we were devastated and felt completely lost without a direction.


Through my searching I learned about conductive education and CPotential stood out, so we decided to pay them a visit and see if they could help us. From the very first time we met, we felt so comfortable and reassured by the conductor that there was so much potential in our daughter Ivy, they started working immediately with her.


CPotential is possibly the best thing that has ever happened to Ivy and our whole family. Everybody has supported and helped us in every way possible and more. 

The friendliness and passion that everybody puts in makes it such an amazing and positive environment for the children and the parents.

My daughter has never liked any form of therapy but when we drive to CPotential, as soon as we arrive she runs towards the door and can’t wait to start the session, which is always proposed in the form of playing and fun activities so they don’t realise they are actually putting in the work.


CPotential’s job also doesn’t end when the session is over as they empower us with so much knowledge that we can take home and carry on helping our children when we are not there.


The advice, the support, and the care we receive is priceless and the variety of activities is endless making them a 360 facility where they can help every aspect of Ivy’s difficulties.


CPotential is definitely the first place of choice for our daughter Ivy, I will never be able to thank them enough for everything they have done and still do for our whole family.


We feel truly blessed to be part of the CPotential family.

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